Besides the new items the following from the prior year’s furniture set were re-released:


#2 Dining Set ダイニングセット ¥450

#3 Lounge Set (応接セット) ¥650

#5 Sideboard (サイドボード) ¥500

#12 Kitchen Set (With Pot) (キッチンセット(なべ付)) ¥650

#13 Cupboard (with Tableware) (食器だな(食器付)) ¥650

#21 Bunk Beds (二段ベット) ¥650

(Note: The pictures and descriptions for the Dining and Lounge set are mixed up in the catalog. Prices above might be for the opposite item)



Rolley Cocker’s Room Set (ローリィコッカーのおへやセット) ¥1,500


System Furniture Set (システム家具セット) ¥1,500


System Kitchen Set (システムキッチンセット) ¥1,500