Some of these seem to have been available in two different colors. 1-21 were released first, with 22-25 released later in August 1986. ¥350 ~ ¥750 each.
1 Bed (ベッド) ¥400
2 Dining Set ダイニングセット ¥450
3 Lounge Set (応接セット) ¥650
4 Fireplace (With AA Battery) (だんろう (単5電池1本付)) ¥700
5 Sideboard (サイドボード) ¥500
6 Counter (With Vase) (カウンター (花びん付)) ¥350
7 Bookshelf (With 6 Books) (本だな (本6冊付)) ¥650
8 Student Desk (教室つくえ) ¥350
9 Teacher’s Desk (先生つくえ) ¥500
10 Stove (With Poker) (ストーブ(ひっかき棒付)) ¥500
11 Lounge Set Sofa (応接セット ソファー) ¥400
12 Kitchen Set (With Pot) (キッチンセット(なべ付)) ¥650
13 Cupboard (with Tableware) (食器だな(食器付)) ¥650
14 Wardrobe (With Hangers) (洋服だんす (ハンガー付)) ¥500
15 Potted Plants Set (With Mat) (植木セット(マット付)) ¥350
16 See-Saw (シーソー) ¥400
17 Slide (すべり台) ¥700
18 Swing (ブランコ) ¥550
19 Obversation Tower (見はらし台) ¥350
20 Bench (With Stump) (ベンチ(切株付)) ¥450
22 Flower Garden Set (フラワーガーデンセット) ¥750
23 Hanger Rack Set (ハンガーラックセット) ¥450
24 Wooden Horse Set (木馬セット) ¥450 This is listed in Bandai’s catalog as Friendship Set (なかよしセット)
25 Duster Set (ダスターセット) ¥450