1 and 2 were released first, 3 in June 1986 and 4-9 released July 1986. I see no evidence that #6 the Dinner Set was ever released. if you have any more information on this one please contact me.
1. Patty’s Dad’s Mail Delivery Set (パティのパパ 郵便配達セット) ¥750
2. Patty’s School Set (パティの通学セット) ¥750
3. Bobby’s General Store Set (ボビーの雑貨やさんセット) ¥750
4. Dining Table Cloth Set (ダイニングテーブルクロスセット) ¥980
5. Slipper Set (スリッパセット) ¥980
6. Dinner Set (ディナーセット) ¥980 I see no evidence this set was ever released. Other catalogs I’ve seen list 8 in the set yet they are numbered 1-5 and 7-9.
7. Good Night Set (おやすみセット) ¥980
8. Towel Set (タオルセット) ¥980
9. Shopping Set (ショッピングセット) ¥980