Second series in the Maple Friend line released in 1987. Some of these figures have clip-on hands. Bobby was also re-released.I have not seen any of Bobby in this newer style packaging so I am not sure if he was released that way or just re-released in his original box.


Normal Type:

Rolley Cocker (ローリィコッカー) Released February 1987 ¥780


Ice Wagon (アイスワゴン)  Released July 1987 ¥980

This came with either Patty or Rolley

Rolley’s Little Sister Lilia & Cradle (ローリィのいもとうリリアとゆりかご) Released June 1987 ¥780


Patty Rabbit’s Uncle, Aunt (パティラビットのおじさん、おばさん) ¥1,480


Rolley Cocker’s Mom, Dad (ローリィコッカーのパパ、ママ) ¥1,480


Bobby Kumanoff (ボビークマノフ) ¥880


Clip Type Maple Friend (クリップタイプメイプルフレンド):


Rolley Cocker & Patty Rabbit (Clip Type) ( ローリィコッカー&パティラビット (クリップタイプ)) Released February 1987 ¥1,480


Joey, Lamb, Sheila (Clip Type) (ジヨーイ、ラム、シーラ(クリップタイプ)) Released March 1987 ¥1,980


Pamphlet (パンフレット)