Released in 1986.
#1 Patty Rabbit (パティラビット) ¥780
#2 Patty’s Dad (パティのパパ) ¥880
#3 Patty’s Mom (パティのママ) ¥880
#4 Patty’s Big Sister (パティのおねえさん) ¥780
#5 Patty’s Litte Brother (パティのおとうと) ¥680
#6 Patty’s little Sister (バディのいもうと) ¥580
#7 Bobby Kumanoff (ボビークマノフ ) ¥880
#8 Bobby’s Dad (ボビーのパパ) ¥980
#9 Bobby’s Mom (ボビーのママ) ¥980
#10 Bobby’s Little Brother Kin (ボビーのおとうとキン) ¥780
#11 Bobby’s Little Brother Kon (ボビーのおとうとコン) ¥780
#12 Bobby’s Little Brother Kan (ボビーのおとうと カン) ¥780
#13 Bobby’s Little Sister (ボビーのいもうと) ¥780
#14 Diana Konderick (ダイアナコンデリック) ¥780
#15 Diana’s Dad (ダイアナのパパ) ¥880
#16 Diana’s Mom (ダイアナのママ) ¥880
#17 Diana’s Little Brother (ダイアナの弟) ¥780
#18 Judy Rismond (ジュディリスモンド) ¥780
#21 Judy’s Little Brother (ジュディの弟) ¥780
#22 Arthur Rat (アーサー ラッツ) ¥780
I have seen him in both pink and yellow shirts
#23 Arthur’s Dad (アーサーのパパ) ¥880
#24 Arthur’s Mom (アーサーのママ) ¥880
#25 Arthur’s Little Sister (アーサーのいもうと) ¥780
#26 Johnny Karafuto (ジョニーカラフト) ¥780
#27 Johnny’s Dad (ジョニーのパパ) ¥880
#28 Johnny’s Mom (ジョニーのママ) ¥880
#29 Lola Strauss (ローラ・ストラウス) ¥780
#30 Lola’s Dad (ローラのパパ) ¥880
#31 Lola’s Mom (ローラのママ) ¥880
#32 Puripurin’s Big Brother (プリプリンのおにいさん) ¥780
#33 Puripurin Pig (プリプリンピック) ¥780
#34 Puripurin’s Dad (プリプリンのパパ) ¥880
#35 Puripurin’s Mom (プリプリンのママ) ¥880
#36 Mayor Lion (ライオンの町長さん) ¥1,200
#37 Antelope Teacher (カモシカの先生) ¥980
#38 Station Master Monkey (サルの駅長さん) ¥880
#39 Engineer Monkey (サルの機関士) ¥880
#40 Archimedes Otter (アルキメデスオッター) ¥880
#41 Archimedes’ Wife (アルキメデスの奥さん) ¥880
#42 Dolly Cats (ドリーキャッツ) ¥880
#43 Dolly’s Bride (ドリーのおよめさん) ¥880
#44 Mihai’s Dad (ミハイのパパ) ¥880
#45 Mihai’s Mom (ミハイのママ) ¥880
#46 Mihai Moguro (ミハイモグロー) ¥780
#47 Mihai’s Big Sister (ミハイのおねえさん) ¥780
#48 Cynthia’s Dad (シンシアのパパ) ¥880
#49 Cynthia’s Mom (シンシアのママ) ¥880
#50 Cynthia’s Little Sister (シンシアのいもうと) ¥780
#51 Cynthia Beaver (シンシアビーバー) ¥780
#52 Bulldog Officer (ブルドッグのおまわりさん) ¥1,200
#53 Gretel (グレテル) ¥1,200
There was a campaign for a Gretel figure listed in one of the books, I am not sure if this is one of them.
Price cards (プライスカード) that were used on store shevles. One interesting thing is Arthur Rat has Simon (his twin brother on the anime) listed in parentheses. Was a Simon also released?
Shipping box for Johnny and Lola’s families